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People Possession

GSH HYBRID - Anaerobic Honey Geisha - Colombia

GSH HYBRID - Anaerobic Honey Geisha - Colombia

„Radical sourcing / superior roasting“ -

this claim found on all cans describes perfectly what the new roaster from Paris does: extraordinary greens and lots from famous producers like Nestor Lasso or Elias & Shady Bayter

Another outstanding Gesha here: 

Luiz Marcelino from Huila, Colombia fermented the pulped Gesha using a anaerobic fermentation. This brings out clean citric acids coating in herbal and yasmin flavour 

Roast date: 08/07/2024

Weight: 100g

Regular price €17,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €17,00 EUR
Unit price €170,00  per  kg
Sale Sold out
Tax included.
View full details
  • Producer

    Luis Marcelino

  • Roastery

    People Possesion

  • Taste notes


  • Process

    Anaerobic Natural

  • Region

    Huila, Colombia

  • Variety


Ein Bild auf welchem man Kaffeekirschen an einer Kaffeepflanze hängen sieht.

Anaerobic Honey

The Anaerobic Honey process for coffee begins by fermenting coffee cherries in a sealed, oxygen-free environment. After this anaerobic fermentation, the cherries are pulped, but some of the sticky mucilage (the "honey") is left on the beans. The beans are then dried with this mucilage still attached. This method combines the rich, fruity flavors of anaerobic fermentation with the sweetness and body characteristic of honey-processed coffees, resulting in a balanced and complex cup.

Beschreibung ©La Cabra